Sunday, September 16, 2012

Final School Days--Spring 2012

This last Spring time near the end of school was filled with pleasant weather and fun memories. Here are a few pictures and videos of some memories we were able to record...

Our ward had a "day of service" where we set up birdhouses and raised garden boxes for a local retirement home. While the men and boys did construction, the kids and ladies entertained the residents with art and dancing.

A neighbor of ours offered to us their backyard playground because their kids had outgrown it. Abigail and Benson have LOVED it! It's also been nice to have when Emily has play groups at our house. The first picture is what part of our backyard looked like before the playground was put in...

Emily explains in the video below quite well, but suffice it to say, Benson loves construction toys and especially dump trucks so Emily made him a little box of beans to use when he plays with his trucks. Below the video is a picture of Benson with a hat he received from some construction workers who noticed Benson was a big fan of their work. Notice the shirt he's wearing to match the hat. It's one of his favorites.

Emily made a sign for Abigail and her friend Daniel on the last day of school.

These last pictures come from a trip we took to the Wisconsin Dells for a wedding along with a good picture of our house from last May and a video of Abigail and Benson playing with a rocking horse we got from a neighbor...

1 comment:

Karen said...

I love all of your new updates! I especially love the dump truck and ramp to the bucket of beans!! What a great idea.